


Useful information and helpful advice to use la Pavoni Machines in the best possible way

Payment may be made through one of the following methods:
PAYPAL: in case of purchase through Paypal payment methods, upon completion of the order, the Customer will be directed to the Paypal login page. In case of cancellation of the order it will be required to cancel the transaction and the Merchant in no event shall be liable for any damages, direct or indirect, caused by the delay in the failure to release the amount committed by Paypal.
CREDIT CARD: Merchant uses the Nexi secure payment service. Confidential credit card information (card number, cardholder, expiration date, security code) is encrypted and so transmitted to the payment processor. The credit cards accepted by the said circuit are indicated in the footer of the E-Shop page (by way of example VISA, Mastercard, etc.).
Please consider that the choice of payment method made may result in an extension of time for the delivery of the Products, which will take place only after the completion of such payment.

If requested by the Customer, the Merchant will issue an electronic invoice on the basis of the data entered in the Order Form, a courtesy copy of which will be sent on request to the e-mail address indicated. The Customer is solely responsible for the accuracy and truthfulness of the information provided to Merchant for tax purposes.

Lifting the lever, the water in the boiler enters the brewing group and mixes with the colder water. It reaches the right temperature and damp the coffee powders for the supply.

The lever machines allow a better exploitation of the coffee powders.
In this way we obtain “the cream of coffee” known as the true secret of the Espresso.
Discover the step to obtain a perfect Espresso.
Lowering the lever with the right intensity, you obtain the pressure to brew an Espresso coffee at about 92° C.
This is the perfect temperature to obtain all the best peculiarities from the coffee powders and to reach a substantial and a long-lasting aftertaste.